Thursday, 20 October 2011

4 budk hitam

hai guys 
ni ad bnde sket nk story kat u all
kish nye bgini ..................
pd satu mlm tuh ad la 4 org budk hitam men2 kat kwsn umh dye org
nme mereka S,E,Y,N.. E ajak yg len men stu game .gme tuh nme nye "tongkat gune mncis tk nk bg ttup"
dye org pown stuju nk men.maka sharp pkul 1.30 brmule game trsbut.Y n N ngn bz duk update blog ngn br FB, S pulak duk study.. konon katanye lau study ni msuk ilmu.dh esk mmg dtkdirkn dye org ad final quiz u sport, brtungkus lumus la 4 org bdak htam nih..after 1 hours, mata N n E dh mule londeh, dgn mulut trnganga skali still sbar lgi sbb tk nk kalah... S khusyuk lgi study nye, Y pown sme khusyuk ngn blog. N ni cm mte tk ley blah..gayut lu sposen.. hehehe..they stay up night untill morning n no one get win n lose.. 
keesokn hrinye 4 budk hitam prgi jwb final kuiz ngn mte sorg2 tk ley blah lyun n merahnye .. tu la padah nye men game ni..

can you guys guess what the game that they played act??

ma famille

 abg yo, abah , mak n abg fendi
 mak ngn abg
 kak aida
 kak ida ni ngh pk mse dpan ke ??
 abg yo ngn kak nad
 mereka d cameron
 at uitm machang hehe saje mlwt
 mohd amirul ni nk jd kcik blik ke ha?? tak maluuuuu
 oooooooooooooohhhhhhhh tidakkkk!!!! jerawat!!!!!!!!
 ni msti kje yuni ngn la yg hbis kn twisties ak kannnn?????
 huhu xde kje
anak bngsu yg ske gduh ngn aku.. ni la org nye ..... si amirul 

sebantal setilam sesudu sepinggan

You are friendly, kind and caring
Sensitive, loyal and understanding 
Humorous, fun, secure and trueAlways there...
 yes that's you.
Special, accepting, exciting and wise
Truthful and helpful, with honest blue eyes Confiding, forgiving, cheerful and bright
Yes that's you... not one bit of spite.
You're one of a kind, different from others
Generous, charming, but not one that smothers Optimistic, thoughtful, happy and game
But not just another... 
in the long chain.
Appreciative, warm and precious like gold
Our friendship won't tarnish or ever grow old
You'll always be there, I know that is trueI'll always be here... always for you.


huhu letih gler .. balik2 je msuk umah kwn2 aku still xde ag kat blik ..
ape cer ni kengkwn ..tak kn tk ingt umah nk blik ..adoyai ..
konon dh last week kls mule la tk nk pergi dgn ak2 skli tk prgi hahaha
tk pe even ak sorang tp my sponge stia mnemani ak .. <3 
cuace pown ujan je ni sdap tido hehe tp dh klau tido je manjang tk jdi ape gak 
bek bt ssuatu yg brfaedah....